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Welcome beloved

I am Dr Leila

"... and I am here to facilitate the embodiment of your highest potential. My gift is my ability to see the light essence of your being and it is my great and sacred honour to serve the excavation of that light as you delayer to come into deeper intimacy with self... and all that is Sacred."

Dr Leila Sadien

When I became a doctor, I wanted to make a meaningful impact on my patients' healing journey. I quickly found that the knowledge and tools I had learnt at med school were not sufficient to make the kind of impact I felt would be necessary to fulfil my purpose as a healer.

So I committed my life to explore the meaning of true holistic healing.


My exploration has led me to the knowing that true healing extends far beyond the confines of this human body and that in order to heal, one must realign with the resonance of cosmic order in all aspects. This is the soul's journey of returning to its true nature


I can feel this call awakening in all of us. And so I have dedicated my life to  the journey of Sacred Life Alignment. 

My Story

"I was a magical child who communed with the unseen worlds, dreamt vividly of the future, deeply experienced the emotions and energies of those around me and firmly believed in magic. I have always had an extra-sensory perception of the world and an intimate connection with Spirit.

I knew I would be a healer,  and embarked on excellent Medical training at UCT, but I learnt very early on that Medicine would not satisfy the kind of healing that had been brewing in my soul. I yearned to be more intimate with my patients and their soul journeys. Aspiring to be less a saver of lives and more a healer of people.

It was during my Reiki Master training that I found full expression of my intuition and psychic ability. Homeopathy opened my awareness to the Doctrine of Signatures, the Divine intelligence of Nature and the wonderful world of Sacred Mythology. This education began the earnest quest to meet the Sacred in all things. As a young doctor of alternative medicine, energy healing and traditional medicine, I was one of the pioneers in Integrative Medicine in South Africa and went on to expand my training in Functional Medicine, Naturopathy, Chinese Medicine, Mindfulness and Anti-aging. 


Developing a fascination with beauty as a concept, I also founded the country's first Integrative Aesthetic, Healing Clinic, Renascent Health, specialising in the impact of complete wellbeing on the outward expression of beauty and balance. I built a highly successful weight loss program built on this foundation.

As for many medicine women and men, my path to becoming a Spiritual healer and leader began with an incurable "shamanic sickness". It was through the sacred exploration of this suicidal pain that I encountered my first Medicine Woman guide, who I worked with and initiated with for nearly 10 years. I have since been guided and initiated by some the world's most revered mystics and medicine women on my path as a Visionary Medicine Woman, expanding my gifts as a channel, medium, esoteric healer and shamanic practitioner. 


I have dedicated my life to the Sacred exploration of Truth through extensive study and deeply transformative personal experience as I strive to continuously embody the essence of my Medicine, bringing me into greater service of The Beauty Way. It is my great joy to be of service to Truth seekers and Light workers as you navigate your own Purpose and Medicine for humanity.

Testimonial client

A poem by a client

for Dr Leila

There once flew a dragon with wings made of fire

Sharing magic with the world, never did she tire

She communed with ancestors and held meetings with trees

Her power was felt across oceans and seas

Then with her keen sense of sight she spotted below

A stray shape-shifting chick, with legs like a pigeon and the squawk of a crow

“I can show you your sacred power” said the dragon, “here’s what you must do”

“Meet your shadow, befriend it, find your path and defend it”

“Feel what is true and stick to it like glue”

The dragon’s fiery wings gifted the shapeshifter a spark

Snap, crackle, pop, through the ashes and out from the dark

Rose a phoenix with a heart full of strength and love

Soaring up to the skies above


"You guided me to the door through which I could awaken my inner child from her slumber, so I could not resist sharing some of her words with you." 



NUE magazine
Chat and Chai
Fatima Saib


UCT medical school
Stellenbosch university
international practitioners of holistic medicine
South African society of integrative medicine
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