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Clary Sage is extracted from the perennial herb salvia sclarea. It has become known as one of the beneficial essential oils for women’s hormonal health.


Benefits of Clary Sage


1. Relieves Menstrual Discomfort

Clary sage works to regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels naturally and stimulating the opening of an obstructed system. It has the power to treat symptoms well, including bloating, cramps, mood swings and food cravings.


This essential oil is also antispasmodic, meaning it treats spasms and related issues such as muscle cramps, headaches and stomach aches. It does this by relaxing the nerve impulses that we can’t control.


2. Supports Hormonal Balance


Clary sage affects the hormones of the body because it contains natural phytoestrogens, which are referred to as “dietary oestrogens” that are derived from plants and not within the endocrine system. These phytoestrogens give clary sage the ability to cause estrogenic effects. It regulates oestrogen levels and ensures the long-term health of the uterus — reducing the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.


3. Relieves Insomnia


People suffering from insomnia may find relief with clary sage oil. It is a natural sedative and will give you the calm and peaceful feeling that is necessary in order to fall asleep. When you can’t sleep, you usually awaken feeling unrefreshed, which takes a toll on your ability to function during the day. Insomnia affects not only your energy level and mood, but also your health, work performance and quality of life.


4. Increases Circulation


Clary sage opens the blood vessels and allows for increased blood circulation; it also naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries. This boosts the performance of the metabolic system by increasing the amount of oxygen that gets into the muscles and supporting organ function.


5. Improves Cardiovascular Health


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of clary sage oil are cardio-protective and may help lower cholestrol naturally.  The oil also decreases emotional stress and improves circulation — two very important factors for reducing cholesterol

and supporting your cardiovascular system.


6. Works as Stress Reliever


Clary sage serves as an antidepressant and as one of the best natural remedies for anxiety ; it boosts confidence and mental strength while alleviating feelings of anxiety and failure. It also has euphoric properties, leaving you with a feeling of joy and ease.


7. Fights Leukemia


A promising study conducted at the Department of Immunology, Hellenic Anticancer Institute in Athens, Greece, examined the role that sclareol, a chemical compound found in clary sage oil, plays in fighting leukemia. The results showed that sclareol is able to kill cell lines through the process of apoptosis.


8. Kills Bacteria and Infections


Clary sage curbs the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections; it can also stop the dangerous behavior of bacteria entering our body through water or food. These antibacterial properties protect the colon, intestines, urinary tract and excretory system.



9. Promotes Skin Health


There is an important ester in clary sage oil called linalyl acetate, which is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in many flowers and spice plants. This ester reduces skin inflammation and works as a natural remedy for rashes; it also regulates the production of oil on the skin.


10. Aids Digestion


The digestive system is the foundation of good health. This amazing system includes a combination of nerves, hormones, bacteria, blood and organs that work together to complete the intricate task of digesting the foods and liquids that we consume every day.


For detailed guidelines on suggested use, side effects and drug interactions, as well as links to relevant studies, visit YGEAI.

Clary Sage Steam Distilled Oil

Expected to ship by end of October. Delivery within South Africa only.
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