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Throat Chakra


Lemongrass, Liquorice, Peppermint, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Sage, Eucalyptus, & Myrrh.


Name in Sanskrit: Vishuddha meaning “especially pure”. Vishuddha, is rooted in communication and the expression of oneself in the world.


Signs of balance: Authentic expression comes easily and naturally


Signs of imbalance: Difficulty tuning into the true self, the urge to hide opinions and desires from yourself and others, gossiping, dominating conversations, difficulty listening to others, neck pain, hormone fluctuation (relating to the thyroid)


Location: The region of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid 


Body Part: Larynx, neck, shoulders, arms & ears.


Gland: Thyroid & Parathyroid


Colour: Blue, Sea green , Greenish blue & Silver.


Element: ETHER (space).


Ruling senses: Sound / Hearing.


Seed sound: HUM


Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum (Om Mah-nee-pahd-meh Hoom) 


Affirmation: I speak my truth. I listen with awareness. I am calm & clear, always express myself with love easy & novelty. I hold myself accountable. I am worthy of being heard. The answer is always within me. I resolve conflicts through open and honest communication. I trust my intuition. I am balanced in speaking and listening. I speak my true thoughts with ease. I set clear boundaries.


Precious & Semi precious Stones: Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Angelite, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli Turquoise, Aquamarine, Kyanite


Bodyworks & technique: Gentle neck traction & release of restricted fascia tissues that surrounds the back and front of the neck is then followed by a gentle massage of the neck & the attachments to the base of the head.



Throat Chakra Steam Distilled Oil

Expected to ship by end of October. Delivery within South Africa only.
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